Devotions to Saint Charles of Mount Argus
St Charles Novena Mass
The perpetual Novena Mass in honour of Our Lady of Holy Hope and St Charles of Mount Argus is celebrated every Saturday morning at 11.00am with Novena Prayers and Blessing with the Relic of St Charles.
St Charles’ Feast Day is 5th January
Blessing with the relic of Saint Charles
Monday to Friday after 10am Mass
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 4.00 pm
Saturday after 11am Mass
Sunday after 11am & 4pm Mass
Healing Mass
The monthly healing Mass is celebrated on the last Saturday of the month at 11.00 am.
Triduum of Hope in honour of Saint Charles
The last Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of May (week before June Bank Holiday) at 10am and 7.30pm
Annual Mass for the Sick with Sacrament of Anointing
11am on the Saturday preceding the Triduum
A Pilgrim Path to the Tomb of Saint Charles of Mount Argus