Ministry Groups
At Mount Argus Parish, we try to create a collaborative environment that invites parishioners to actively participate in the life of the parish. We do this through a wide range of Ministry Groups, people who come together and work together, using their personal skills and talents to serve their Parish and to serve God. Our Ministry Groups are described under the “5 W’s”:
Witness, Welcome, Worship, Word & Welfare
WITNESS is the overarching ministry that holds all the other ministry groups together; as a parish we witness to Jesus Christ, to the Gospel, and to the Kingdom of God here among us.
Welcome Groups:
Baptism Team: assists families in the preparation for, and celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Car Park Marshals: look after cars during Sunday masses, they also organise stewarding for large funerals and major occasions.
Church cleaners: polish, wash, sweep, vacuum, and dust, so that the church always looks welcoming to those who come to God’s house.
Environment Group: decorates the display board, creates and hangs banners, prepares the prayer tree, the Christmas crib, the Easter garden, and other elements to reflect the liturgical seasons and draw people to prayer.
Family Groups: come together in order to get to know and support each other just like an extended family; reach out to new parishioners and host monthly coffee mornings.
Flower Guild: decorates the Church with flower arrangements every week and on special occasions to enhance the beauty of the sacred space. Available for weddings.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A. Team): helps to prepare those who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church and to help them experience Christian community.
Web Team: manages the website for the Parish of Mount Argus.
Welcomers: distribute leaflets, candles, and hymn-books as necessary, and offer a smile and a welcome to people as they come in to various services.
Worship Groups:
Adoration Group: commits to spending quiet time with the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays (10.30am to 9.00pm) and Fridays (10.30am to 6.00pm)
Altar Servers: assist the priest at the altar for the main Sunday Masses and at major celebrations.
Altar Society: looks after vestments, cloths, linens and vessels that are used in the sacred liturgy.
Eucharistic Ministers: distribute Holy Communion at Mass and bring communion to the sick and housebound
Liturgy Group: Plans and reviews our celebrations for the main liturgical seasons.
Music Ministry: includes cantors, organists, singers and musicians; Saturday Vigil Mass Music Group, Children’s Choir; Youth Ensemble and occasional choir for major celebrations – music enhances our liturgies, and helps people lift their hearts and voices to God.
Word Groups:
Charismatic Prayer Group: gathers to praise God in the power of the Holy Spirit, and then to go out and share His love with others.
Confraternities of the Passion: Women meet on the first Saturday of every month to participate in the 11am mass and recite the sodality prayers after; Men meet at 8pm on the second Tuesday of every month for Mass and prayers in the monastery.
Family Ministry Team: prepares and presents the Scriptures in an interactive way to pre-communion and post-communion children at the 11 o’clock Family Mass on Sundays.
Lectio Divina Group: meets on a Tuesday morning to reflect on the Gospel for the following Sunday.
Lectors: read the Scriptures and lead the General Intercessions at Mass on Sundays, major Feasts and weekdays.
Men’s Spirituality Group: meets in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere every Tuesday night and uses various media to bring new insights into their everyday faith lives.
Passionist Companions: gather monthly in a prayerful, reflective and spiritual way, to discover what it means as laity to share in the Passionist charism.
Welfare Groups:
Bethany Bereavement Support Group: aims to help the bereaved and grieving.
Child Protection Team: ensures the protection of all children who engage with our Parish in any way.
Collectors and Counters: gather and reckon contributions for the upkeep of the Church and Monastery, and for the maintenance of our Mission.
Community Centre Executive: co-ordinates all the activities that take place in the Mount Argus Community and Social Services Centre and works to maintain the fabric of the building.
Finance Committee: advises the Parish Priest in clarifying economic issues and making recommendations so that he is fully aware of all aspects of parish finances when making any particular decision.
Funeral Team: assists the bereaved through the church’s funeral rites.
Legion of Mary: holds a weekly meeting and also occasional Patrician meetings, prayer meetings, as well as doing home visitation and street contact. They work to bring people closer to God through prayer and the family Eucharistic League.
Parish Pastoral Council: carries the vision of the parish as expressed in our Parish Mission Statement; prioritises chosen tasks and supports the other ministry groups towards making this vision a reality.
St. Vincent de Paul: responds to various needs in the area and helps countless people of the district in a wide variety of ways. Such work is only possible through the generosity of the many people who contribute to their bi-monthly collections.
Summer Project Group: provides a fun-packed programme for children of 7 years and upwards during the month of July.
World Youth Day Group: works to prepare practically and spiritually for the World Youth Day event which takes place approximately every two years, and to review and assess the experience.